Al plastic surgery team
You haven't learned assembly yet. I just learned assembly, and I know a little. I wonder if I can make it clear.

This is related to the word length of the computer.

For example, 8086 is 16 bit CPU. If an integer is placed in an 8-bit register such as AL (the lower 8 bits of register AX can be regarded as an independent register), then the range of data it can handle is-128 to 127 (that is, 2 7). The most significant bit is the sign bit, so only 7 bits can be used. Similarly:

If it is placed in the 16-bit register AX, the data range it can handle is -32768~32767 (2 15).

If it is a 32-bit CPU, its data register AX is 32 bits, namely 4 bytes.

If a data type is defined as 4 bytes, it can be filled with AX, and the processing range is-231~ 231-1.

As for why the scope is asymmetric. It's about supplements.

Of course, a 16-bit CPU can also process 32-bit data, so it is necessary to put the high 16 bits of a number in AX and the low 16 bits in DX, and the problem of carrying is more complicated.

I wonder if my personal experience can help you.