Laser therapy
Suitable for plane scars, such as acne and small scars left after acne healing. The principle of low density, small spot and low pulse width is adopted in the treatment. When higher pulse energy is used, the treatment density should be reduced to avoid overheating injury.
Intense pulsed light therapy
Using the selective photolysis of laser, disordered collagen fibers and elastic fibers are rearranged, scar hyperplasia is inhibited, and skin is gradually restored to elasticity and smoothness.
Carbon dioxide lattice laser therapy
Lattice laser can make dermal collagen fibers shrink and denature when heated, induce wound healing reaction in dermis, make collagen deposit orderly and promote collagen proliferation, thus improving skin elasticity and reducing scars.
Radiofrequency ablation therapy
Radiofrequency ablation can make the wound ischemic, anoxic, scar atrophy and shedding flat after treatment. To some extent, it can prevent postoperative scar recurrence and relieve local pain and itching of the focus.
Medical beauty tips:
Babies in the following situations are not recommended. If you want to do it, you must consult a doctor.
If you have long outdoor sports (such as mountaineering and skiing) in two weeks. )
Pregnancy and lactation.
Light sensitive person and Recent Photosensitive Drugs
Use retinoic acid
Scar constitution, local skin infection, history of radiotherapy within half a year.