# include & ltstring.h & gt
char* bijiao(char* s 1,char* s2[],char* s3[])
int i,j;
for(I = 0; I & lt32; i++)
for(j = 0; j & lt(int)strlen(S2[I]); j++)
if(s 1[j]! = S2[I][j])break;
Return to S3 [i];
for(j = 0; j & lt(int)strlen(S3[I]); j++)
if(s 1[j]! = S3[I][j])break;
Return to S2 [I];
Return "No Data Found";
void main()
String [50];
char* str 1[32]={"auto "," break "," case "," char "," const "," continue "," default "
、" do "、" double "、" else "、" enum "、" extern "、" float "、" for "、" goto "、" if "、" int "
、" long "、" register "、" return "、" short "、" signed "、" static "、" sizeof "、" struct "
、" switch "、" typedef "、" union "、" unsigned "、" void "、" volatile "、" while " };
Char* str2[32]={ "Automatic variable", "Jump out of the current loop", "Switch statement branch", "Character variable", "Read-only variable", "End the current loop" and "Other branch".
, loop body of loop statement, double precision variable, negative branch of conditional statement, enumeration type, declared variable being declared in other files, floating point variable, loop statement, jump statement, conditional statement and integer variable.
, long integer variable, register variable, return statement, short integer variable, signed type variable, static variable, calculated data type length and structure variable.
, switch statement, used for alias data type, used data type, unsigned type variable, no return value, indicating that variables can be changed implicitly during program execution, and loop condition of loop statement};
while( 1)
if(str[0]= = ' b ' & amp; & ampstr[ 1]= = ' y ' & amp; & ampstr[2]= = ' e ' & amp; & ampstr[3]=='\0') returns;
puts(bijiao(str,str 1,str 2));
printf(" \ n ");