Convert (decimal (10,4), amount) > 500.
Note: The length and number of decimal places are set according to your own needs.
Convert string numbers into numbers in sql:
Method 1: choose CAST(' 123' as the signature? Integer);
Method 2: select convert (' 123', signed);
Method 3: Select'123'+0;
Extended data:
If you can convert a character type to a number type, you can convert a number to a character. For the data type of exact value, the converted string is the value we store. For example:
Declare @i int
set @i= 123456789
print ' test:'+convert(varchar(20),@i)
The output is: test: 123456789.
However, it is not so simple for approximate numeric data types.
Declare @i float
set @i= 123456789
print ' test:'+convert(varchar(20),@i)
Output result: test: 1.23457e+008.