1. 1 MCS-5 1 Features of Single Chip Microcomputer
1.1.1MCS-51Introduction of Single Chip Microcomputer
1.1.2mcs-51internal structure of single chip microcomputer
1.1.3mcs-51Memory Organization of Single Chip Microcomputer
1.2 assembly language
1.3 C language
1.4 Comparison between Assembly Language of Single Chip Microcomputer and C Language Programming
1.5 mixed programming of assembly language and c language
1.5. 1 Embedding an assembly in C5 1
Call assembler function program in 1.5.2 C program.
1.5.3 assembler calls c program.
The second chapter is the data structure of KeilC5 1
2. 1 KeilC5 1
2.2 data types
2.3 storage type and storage area
2.3. 1 integer constant
Character constant
string lteral
2.3.4-bit scalar
2.4 variables
2.4. 1 variable definition
Memory type
Memory mode
2.4.4 Redefining data types
2.5 array
2.6 pointer
2.7 structure
2.8 United
2.9 list
Chapter III Programming of KeilC5 1
3. 1 pretreatment
3.2 Operators and expressions
3.3 control flow statement
3.3. 1 conditional statement
While loop
Do-while loop
Used for circulation
Go to statement
3.3.6 switch statement
3.3.7 Interrupt statement and continue statement
3.3.8 Return Statement
3.4 Function
3.4. 1 define function
3.4.2 Call function
3.4.3 Interrupt service function
3.4.4 Recursive Call of Functions and Reentry Functions
Chapter 4 KeilC5 1 integrated development environment
4. 1 KeilC5 1 installation
4.2 μVision3 Integrated Development Environment
Columns and windows of 4.3 μVision3
4.4 Create a project
4.5 Simple program debugging
4.6 projects with multiple files
4.7 code optimization
4.8 Skills and know-how
4.9 solutions to common warnings and error messages of keil c compiler
In chapter 5, the internal resources of 805 1 single chip microcomputer are developed by using KeilC5 1.
5. 1 Develop input/output ports with KeilC5 1
5. 1. 1 Introduction of Input/Output Ports
5. 1.2 output port application example
5. 1.3 input port example
5.2 develop timer/counter with KeilC5 1
5.2. Introduction to1timer/counter
Control and status register
5.2.3 Timer/Counter Setting Example
5.2.4 Timer/Counter 2
Programming example
5.3 Interrupt system programming
5.3. 1 Interrupt system
5.3.2 Control Register of Interrupt System
Response process interrupt
Interrupt example
5.4 developing serial port with KeilC5 1
5.4. 1 Basic concepts of data communication
Serial port control register of MCS-5 1
5.4.3 Working mode
5.4.4 Determination of data transmission rate
Examples of serial communication
Chapter VI Resource Expansion of Single Chip Microcomputer
Chapter 7 Design of 805 1 Single Chip Microcomputer System
Chapter 8 Curing Method of 805 1 Single Chip Microcomputer Program
Chapter 9 Single Chip Microcomputer Power-off Protection
10 Chapter Communication between Single Chip Microcomputer and PC
Chapter 1 1 System Programming and Application Programming
12 Chapter Communication between Single Chip Microcomputer
13 chapter I2C bus interface technology
Chapter 14 develops WEDM controller with C5 1
Chapter 15 stepper motor drive
16 chapter application of infrared equipment
Appendix A MCS-5 1 list of instructions
The library function of appendix B KeilC5 1