English part-of-speech abbreviations
n = noun, abbreviation of noun
u = uncountable noun, abbreviation of uncountable noun
c = Countable noun, abbreviation of countable noun
v = verb, abbreviation of verb
vi = intransitive verb, abbreviation of intransitive verb
vt = and object verb, abbreviation of transitive verb
aux.v = auxiliary verb, abbreviation of auxiliary verb
m.v = modal verb, abbreviation of model verb
conj = connection Word, abbreviation of conjunction
Non-predicate verb
The verb form that serves as a sentence component other than the predicate in a sentence is called a non-predicate verb. Non-predicate verbs are divided into three forms: infinitive, gerund, and participle (participles include present participle and past participle).
1. Infinitive
Tense\Voice Active Passive
Common form to do to be done
Perfect form to have done to have been done
2. Gerund
Tense\Voice Active Passive
Common form doing being done
Complete Formula having done having been done
For the above content, please refer to: Baidu Encyclopedia - Verb