What should I pay attention to in breast augmentation?
Precautions before operation:
(1) Physical examination before operation, to ensure good health, normal spirit, correct view of the surgical effect, no serious organ diseases, bleeding and coagulation diseases, diabetes, immune diseases and neuromotor dysfunction;
(2) There was no local infection at the operation site;
(3) Failing to take anticoagulants and aspirin for half a month before operation;
(4) Female patients should avoid menstrual period as much as possible, take a bath before operation and keep clean.
Precautions after operation:
(1) Try to reduce activities after operation, so as to facilitate recovery and detumescence, but don't stay in bed;
(2) Use elastic bandage to raise the affected limb as much as possible within half a month after operation to avoid hematoma and help tighten the skin;
(3) Take anti-inflammatory drugs orally for 3-5 days according to the doctor's advice;