First, stapes surgery. Sometimes the sound can't pass in because the ossicles in the middle ear may have dysfunction, which is a kind of conductive hearing loss. Otosclerosis is a common ossicular dysfunction, which is caused by hyperosteogeny of the stapedial bone of the middle ear ossicle. According to the condition, stapedial resection is to remove part or all of the stapedial bone, and then install an artificial stapedial bone to maintain the sound transmission function of the ossicle, thus treating the hearing loss caused by the stapedial bone.
Second, middle ear catheterization. Secretory otitis media may cause temporary conductive hearing loss, because the secretions in the ear block the sound transmission channel and make the sound smaller. "Open a hole" and "insert a tube" in the eardrum to guide the undrained liquid out of the ear, open the sound conduction path, and relieve the increased pressure on the eardrum caused by the liquid pouring into the ear, thus improving the hearing loss.
Third, configure hearing AIDS. Some people's hearing is permanently damaged and cannot be "cured". At this time, hearing AIDS, cochlear implants and other hearing AIDS (which need surgical implantation) can be used to amplify the sound, improve hearing and improve communication.
Therefore, when people's hearing is not good, they can choose medical treatment or surgical treatment according to the actual situation. For those who can't recover, they can only choose to use hearing AIDS to "help hearing".