Bomei Shunsuke is Bomei.
Pomeranian Shunsuke is a Pomeranian, and there is no difference in breed between Pomeranian Shunsuke and Pomeranian. Pomeranian Shunsuke belongs to Pomeranian and British Pomeranian. Compared with Shunsuke, the ordinary Pomeranian is nothing special, but it is rounder and fuller than Shunsuke.
From the appearance, Bomei Shunsuke's hair will look more and more lovely because it has been trimmed and reshaped, just like a teddy bear. Ordinary Bomei can make the shape beautiful only by proper pruning and shaping.
Shunsuke is the name of a Japanese Pomeranian. Shunsuke, a Pomeranian, was mistaken for a new breed because ordinary Pomeranian only trimmed the hair length, while Shunsuke's hair was shaved very short and looked round and lovely.