You should be the so-called radish leg, and the gastrocnemius behind the calf is overused and stiff and hypertrophy. This muscle is dispensable for an ordinary person and can be removed by surgery, but it may affect the strength of the leg in the future.
If you want to improve, I'll give you some advice.
Usually radish legs are formed by jumping or tiptoeing for a long time, which makes the gastrocnemius muscle at the back of the calf stiff and hypertrophy. If women who love beauty want to get rid of the disturbing radish legs, some simple basic leg maintenance exercises should be done often in their spare time.
Step 1: Sit on the ground with your feet straight.
Step 2: First, lift one foot and don't bend your knees.
Step 3: Put it down after reaching the limit of 10 second.
Step 4: After taking a bath every night, do it with your feet in turn, 20 times each.