Laser surgery initiated a new era of medical beauty. High-energy ultra-pulse CO2 laser peeling and skin changing has opened up a new technology in cosmetic surgery. It uses high-energy, ultra-short pulse laser to vaporize the damaged skin tissue instantly, without damaging the surrounding tissues, with almost no bleeding during the treatment, and can accurately control the depth of action. Its effect has been fully affirmed by the international medical plastic surgery field, and it is known as "creating a new era of medical beauty"; In addition, there is a high-energy ultra-pulse CO2 laser instrument to treat bags under the eyes, snoring, and even laser whitening teeth. With its safe and accurate curative effect and simple and quick treatment, it has created one miracle after another in the field of medical beauty. Laser cosmetology has made medical cosmetology take a big step forward and given the connotation of medical cosmetology renewal.