Where can I do mandibular angle grinding?
The mandibular angle grinding operation of Shengjiaxin Facial Sculpture Center is to cut the inside of the mouth near the mandibular angle, cut the facial skin and muscles from the inside of the mouth, separate the muscles from the periosteum, expose the bone parts that need surgery, and draw the bone grinding line according to the designed bone grinding amount; With a swing saw with a long handle, the mandibular angle can be sawed off according to the bone grinding line. Generally, the length is 3 ~ 4 cm and the height is in the range of 1 ~ 2 cm. After bone grinding, it can be cut into arcs to make the edges and corners smooth. If the patient's cheeks are hypertrophy, part of the medial masseter muscle can be removed at the same time, or the buccal fat pad can be slightly separated to the outside and part of the buccal fat pad can be removed. Attention should be paid to protecting the symmetry of neurovascular and osteotomy.