1. The subject is the main body of the sentence narrative. It is generally placed at the beginning of the sentence and can be borne by nouns, pronouns, numerals, nominalized adjectives, infinitives, gerunds and subject clauses.
2. The predicate describes the action or the characteristics or state of the subject, which is generally assumed by the verb. The predicate is a statement or explanation of the subject's action or state, indicating "what to do" and "what it is" or "how". The position of the predicate verb is generally after the subject.
3. Object, also called object, refers to the object or recipient of an action (verb), and is often located behind a transitive verb or preposition. Objects are divided into two categories: direct objects and indirect objects (indirect objects are also called object complements). Direct objects refer to the direct object of the action, and indirect objects indicate that the action is indirect but affected by the action.
4. Attributive is a component used to modify, limit, and explain the qualities and characteristics of a noun or pronoun. Attributives mainly include adjectives, in addition to nouns, pronouns, numerals, prepositional phrases, verb infinitives (phrases), participles, attributive clauses or words, phrases or sentences equivalent to adjectives.
5. Adverbials. In English, sentence components that modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. are called adverbials. The function of adverbials: describe the place, time, reason, purpose, result, condition, direction, degree, manner and accompanying conditions, etc. Adverbials are generally played by adverbs, prepositional phrases, participles and participle phrases, infinitives or words or phrases equivalent to adverbs. Its position is usually at the end of the sentence, but it can also be placed at the beginning or middle of the sentence.
6. The English complement (Complement) functions as the subject and the object. It has a distinct attributive description or restrictive function. It is indispensable in syntax and serves as a supplementary explanation. The most common is the object complement. Nouns, gerunds, adjectives, adverbs, infinitives, present participles, and past participles can all be used as complements in sentences.
7. Predicative is used to explain the identity, nature, character, characteristics and status of the subject. Predicatives often consist of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, infinitives, and verbs. -ing, clause, it is often located after the linking verb. If the predicate of a sentence is also served by a sentence, then the sentence that serves as the predicate is called a predicative clause.
8. Object complement refers to some transitive verbs in English. The meaning is still incomplete after the object. There is also need to have another sentence component to supplement the meaning, status, etc. of the object. It is referred to as object. repair. The object and its complement form a compound object. The first part of a compound object is usually played by a noun or pronoun, and the second part expresses the action, identity, characteristics, etc. issued by the noun or pronoun of the first part, which is called an object complement.
Extended information:
Basic form: The basic form of a simple sentence is composed of a subject plus a predicate. Various other sentence forms are developed from this sentence pattern, such as the five basic sentence patterns:
1. Subject + predicate (s.+predicate). This sentence pattern is referred to as the subject-predicate structure. The predicates are generally intransitive verbs.
2. Subject + link verb + predicate (s.+link v.+predicative). This sentence pattern is called the subject-link structure. In fact, the link verb is also a predicate verb in form. Coupling verbs and predicatives together form a compound predicate.
3. Subject + predicate + indirect object + direct object (s.+predicate+oi.+od.). This sentence pattern can be called a subject-predicate-object structure, and its predicate should be A transitive verb with two objects, one is an indirect object and the other is a direct object.
4. Subject + predicate + object + object complement (s.+predicate+o.+o.c.). This sentence pattern can be referred to as the subject-predicate-object complement structure. Its complement is the object complement, and The objects together form a compound object.
5. Subject + predicate + object (s.+predicate+o.), this sentence pattern can be called a subject-predicate-object structure, and its predicates are generally transitive verbs.
Reference materials:
Baidu Encyclopedia--English Grammar