Although face-lifting needle has many advantages, its side effects also exist. If the beautician is taking other drugs, such as gentamicin and penicillin, during the injection of botulinum toxin, it can enhance the toxicity of the drugs and lead to poisoning of the injector. Some unqualified "beauticians" in life beauty salons often have drooping eyelids, drooping eyebrows and local swelling because they are not familiar with anatomy, the injection site is not allowed, or the concentration and dosage are too large. If you hit your face too much, you may have difficulty swallowing. The side effect of face-lifting needle is asymmetry on both sides or muscle weakness at the injection site. The side effects of face-lifting needle are related to the doctor's experience, and the dose of injection is related to the injection site.
In order to avoid the side effects of face-lifting needles, we should also know the following precautions:
1, pay attention to the cleanliness of the face before the face-lifting needle.
2, women should pay attention to avoid the physiological period before playing face-lifting needle, generally one week after menstruation is appropriate.
3, pay attention to stop using all antibiotics before face-lifting needle, so as not to cause postoperative swelling.
4. Pregnant women, lactating women and people who are allergic to penicillin can't get a face-lifting needle, and do a comprehensive examination before the operation.
Face-lifting needle is a widely used face-lifting method at present, which is more convenient, shorter in recovery period and less painful than face-lifting surgery. However, in order to effectively reduce the side effects of face-lifting needle, it must be operated by a professional doctor to ensure the safety and effectiveness of injection.