What is the principle of facial liposuction?
Usually, it is not advisable for us to lose weight on our face by exercise, diet pills, massage and other methods to achieve the effect of face-lifting. To know the effect we hope to achieve after liposuction, besides reducing the amount of fat, we must also achieve the effect of shaping the facial contour. According to the principle of facial liposuction surgery, we can easily achieve the effect of shaping your face. The following is a detailed analysis by Dalian Ruili experts: the principle of facial liposuction surgery. Principle of facial liposuction: 1. Suction subcutaneous adipose tissue, improve facial morphology, and achieve face-lifting effect. 2. Reduce the gravity of the face, thus avoiding facial sagging and making the face feel young. 3. Stimulating subcutaneous tissue with liposuction needle can promote fibroblast proliferation, rebuild blood supply, increase blood flow of skin and subcutaneous, restore skin elasticity, promote skin contraction, and achieve the effect of face-lifting. Facial liposuction: facial liposuction is performed under local anesthesia. Usually, a small incision of 2mm is made in the oral mucosa or behind the ear, and a thin liposuction tube is inserted to suck out a layer of fat evenly. The size and thickness of liposuction area can be determined through consultation before liposuction on the face. After liposuction, you need to dress up for one day and change the dressing only once. Facial liposuction surgery to lose weight should be determined according to people's facial conditions and personality changes, and the anatomical structure on the cheeks is also very complicated. Facial liposuction surgeons should have an artist's aesthetic view, fully embody the temperament of patients, and have superb surgical skills to ensure the safety and effect of facial liposuction. Therefore, it is the most critical step to choose professional and regular plastic surgery hospitals and senior experts for treatment.