1, injection of hyaluronic acid: low mountain root is mainly related to genetic factors, which belongs to bone development problems, usually does not affect life, and generally does not need special treatment. However, if there is a strong aesthetic demand, hyaluronic acid can be injected into regular medical institutions to partially fill it up and temporarily improve the situation of low mountain roots;
2. Fat filling: The principle of fat filling is similar to that of injecting hyaluronic acid. It mainly uses excess fat in abdomen, buttocks, thighs and other parts to temporarily fill mountain roots, which takes longer than hyaluronic acid;
3. Autologous cartilage filling: mainly take a small piece of auricular cartilage or costal cartilage and transplant it to the mountain root, thus solving the problem of low mountain root;
4. Prosthesis filling: The principle is basically the same as that of autologous cartilage filling. Can medical silicone prosthesis and rhinoplasty be selected? However, because it is not a natural material, it is more prone to rejection than autologous cartilage filling.
When doing surgery, you must choose carefully and try to choose a formal medical beauty institution. Moreover, the operation is carried out by experienced doctors, which helps to reduce the risk of operation and prolong the maintenance time to some extent.