Vector & ltfloat & gtx, y, z;
Vector & ltint & gt A, B, C, D;
f . open(" train _ data . txt ");
Floating xx, yy, ZZ;
int aa,bb,cc,DD;
And (! f.eof())
f & gt& gtxx & gt& gtyy & gt& gtzz & gt& gtaa & gt& gtbb & gt& gtcc & gt& gtDD;
x . push _ back(xx);
y . push _ back(YY);
z . push _ back(ZZ);
a . push _ back(aa);
b . push _ back(bb);
c . push _ back(cc);
d . push _ back(DD);
//x, y and z represent floating-point numbers, and a, b, c and d represent integer arrays.
The first three columns are imported into floating-point two-dimensional array A. What does this mean? 3->; 2?