Middle Eastern women are about 1.6 to 1.65 meters tall, which is quite tall. The average height of people in the Middle East is about 1.8 meters. There is a lot of oil in the Middle East. Oil is a very important material for China. In fact, there are many materials that are very important to China. China's demand for food is huge.
Characteristics of Middle Easterners
Middle Easterners refer to people who belong to the Middle East. Geographically, the Middle East refers to the eastern and southern regions of the Mediterranean, from the eastern Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf. Most people in the Middle East have black hair, high noses and deep eyes, yellowish skin, and tall builds.
Middle Easterners are Caucasian. The Middle East, that is, West Asia, has the largest number of Arabs, who are Caucasian. The original Arabs belong to the Europa race, that is, the Caucasian Mediterranean type. Although Mediterranean people are white, their skin color is darker, and their eyes and hair are black. Such as Spanish, Greeks, Italians, Portuguese and primitive Jews, etc.
Many Mediterranean people may have darker skin than yellow people. However, ethnicity and race are different, and the same nation can have many races. Not all Arabs are white, there are also a few black people. Therefore, some Arabs look particularly dark, even with thick lips, wide noses and curly hair.