? Experts believe that only by accurately quantifying the plastic surgery data, monitoring through endoscope and digital plastic surgery, accurate level, moderate cavity size and hidden incision can the surgery achieve ultra-minimally invasive and accurate. Prosthetic augmentation mammoplasty is favored by plastic surgeons because of its simple operation method, relatively less trauma, and no great harm to the body when the operation is unsatisfactory.
? Disadvantages:
? 1. Capsule contracture can occur after breast augmentation with prosthesis. This is due to the normal reaction of the body to the entry of foreign bodies, and different constitutions are also reflected. Don't worry too much, it will disappear automatically as time goes by.
? 2. Some prosthetic fillers will break and penetrate after a period of use, which is caused by the unqualified quality of prosthetic materials. Therefore, women who love beauty must be reminded to choose a regular medical institution for treatment.