An oriental advertisement appeared to me, and disappeared as soon as I opened the webpage. Without the foreground program, you can't close and search through the task manager. Instead, click taskbar properties:
Customization of point notification area:
Found that the program is a system program RunDll, which is generally realized by mounting other Dll files with the system RunDll, so I started the task manager again, and sure enough, there is a RunDll running:
To find out the actual running dll file, you need to display the command line, click the view menu and select "Select Column ...":
Check the command line:
Confirm exit and find the actual command:
Actually, it's not rundll32 of the system, but Master Lu's, and it's located by everyting:
Open the folder above, which happens to be the latest advertising icon:
Then open the folder where popex.dll is located:
Copy the file name first, and then forcibly delete it.
Create a new empty text file in its original location, and then (with the extension) rename it popex.dll. When finished, right-click to open the property and check the read-only property to prevent resurgence.