[edit this paragraph] axillary osmidrosis surgery
There are many methods to treat bromhidrosis, such as medicine, X-ray, freezing, laser and surgery. Surgical treatment is a thorough treatment. A simple spindle was used to remove the hair area. The method of traction suture on the edge of the wound is used to treat bromhidrosis, but it is not suitable because of too many skin cuts and high suture tension, which may easily lead to full or partial dehiscence of the incision and scar contracture in the later stage, which will affect the activity of upper limbs. Generally, the method of spindle excision and Z-plasty is often used, and S-shaped skin flap can also be used for dermal resection, which not only removes sweat glands in the dermis, but also does not cause skin flap defect, wound dehiscence and scar contracture.