English? [? ]? Beautiful? [? r]?
ears; Spike; Hearing; Listen
vi. (English) Hear; Heading
n. (Ear) name; (Cambodia) Iraq
outer ear? Musculus arteriosus; External ear; Translation
ear ring? Earrings; Earrings; Earrings; Marcasite silver earrings
GOLDEN EAR? Golden ears; Lossless music player; Golden ear; Provide information about
Misplaced ear? Displacement ear
Ear muffle? Earmuffs
Ear health? Support ear protection mode; Ear protection mode; Support the standard style of ear protection; Support ear protection form
Ear Massage? Ear point massage; Ear massage; Auricular point massage
mousear? Mouse ears; Locals also call it mouse ear; Mouse ears; Also called mouse ear
green ear? Green ear
bilingual example
The? soap? has? got? into? my? ear.?
the soap got into my ear.
She? drew? me? aside? and? whispered? in? my? ear.?
She took me aside and whispered in my ear
The? machinist? pressed? his? ear? to? the? instrument? in? order to? listen? and? tell where? the? abnormalsound? came from.?
The mechanic pressed his ear against the instrument to hear and find out where the abnormal sound came from.
English [l? G] beauty [l? π]
vt. drag hard;
n. handle; (British) ears; Protrusion; < Slang > Stupid guy; Flange; Lifting ear; Ear; Line ear
lifting lug? Lifting ear; Rings; Lifting flange; Lift the flange
casting lug? Casting ears; Protruding block; Ears; Casting bulge
commodorlug? Commutator lug; Rectifier; Reversing piece joint; Commutator lug
Hinge lug? Watch chain ear; Door ear; Connector lug
earthing lug? Ground lug
Loop Lug? Medium connector
shell lug? Hanging plate ear; Short angle steel for outer plate; Short angle wood on the outer plate; Plate lug
lug piece? Short angle steel; Connecting angle
breaker lug? Respiratory sac
bilingual example
As with? some? of the? other? tribal groups? in? Yunnan,? women? carry? firewood? up the? dirt? paths? andlug? rocks? at? construction sites.?
Here, as in other ethnic minority areas in Yunnan, women carry firewood on dirt roads and pull stones when building houses.
Later? insults included? fitchcock,? muckworm,? whiffler,? ramscallion,? squinny? and? snool, not to mention such? 2th-century? additions as? tripe-hound,? shite-poke,? roach? and? lug.?
Later, people used fitchcock. muckworm,? whiffler,? ramscallion,? squinny? And? Snool to insult each other. In the 2th century, this kind of vocabulary has a new member: tripe-hound,? shite-poke,? roach? And? lug。
So? these? roller? bags? that? make? it? easier? to? lug? your? junk? around? airports? are? in? keeping? withetymology stretching? back more than? 6? years.?
With this kind of luggage with rollers, you can easily drag a lot of sundries around the airport, which is consistent with its etymology more than 6 years ago.