Qi Teng Hidjiro (Tsumabuki Satoshi) is a gifted student. After studying in the Medical School of Lu Yong University, a famous university for six years, he entered Yongda Hospital to practice with Dekun Bomi (Koji Kato). But the real situation of interns is that they are used as handymen, working for more than 16 hours a day on average, with a monthly salary of only 38,000 yen! In order to earn living expenses, Eijiro had to work part-time in other hospitals after work.
During a part-time night shift in Chengtong Hospital, Eijiro almost killed the patient because of her dereliction of duty, and Kaori Chicheng (kyka Suzuki), a nurse on duty that day, also left her post without permission because she rescued the patient beyond her authority.
"What is it, doctor?" With this question, Ying Erlang began to practice in the first surgery, second internal medicine, neonatal intensive care unit, pediatrics and other subjects.