Manipulating the value of a string is a common occurrence that ordinary developers must face. There are many specific ways to manipulate strings, such as extracting a part of a string or determining whether a string contains specific characters. The following JavaScript functions provide developers with all the functions they need:
Concat ()–Combines two or more text characters and returns a new string.
Index of()- Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. If it does not match,-1 is returned.
CharAT()- Returns the character at the specified position.
Lastindexoff f ()-Returns the index of the last occurrence of the substring in the string, or-1 if it does not match.
Match ()–Checks whether the string matches a regular expression.
Substring()- Returns the substring of the string. The parameters passed in are the start position and the end position.
Replace ()–Used to find a string that matches a regular expression, and then replace the matching string with a new string.
Search()- Perform a regular expression matching lookup. If the search is successful, the matching index value in the string is returned. Otherwise, return-1.
Slice()- Extract a part of a string and return a new string.
Split()- Converts a string into an array of strings by splitting it into substrings.
Length ()–Returns the length of a string, that is, the number of characters it contains.
ToLowerCase()- Converts the entire string to lowercase letters.
Toupper case()- Converts the entire string to uppercase letters.
Note: concat, match, replace and search functions have been added in JavaScript 1.2. All other functions are already provided in JavaScript 1.0.