X = dicomread (file name)
Read image data through the file names of digital images and communication standard files. For a single frame gray image, x is the matrix of MxN; For a single true color image, x is the matrix of MxNx3. X is a four-dimensional matrix of multi-frame images.
X = dicomread(info)
Reading image data from DICOM metadata structure information. The structural information is given by dicominfo function.
Matlab Chinese forum
[X,map] = dicomread(...)
Returns the image x and image table mapping. If X is a grayscale image or a true color image, map is an empty matrix.
[X,map,alpha] = dicomread(...)
Returns the image X, the image table mapping and the alpha channel matrix generated for X. If the pixel is opaque, the value of alpha is 0; Otherwise, they are stored in the map line by line. Matlab Chinese forum
[X,map,alpha,overlays] = dicomread(...)
Returns the image X, the image table diagram, the alpha channel matrix generated for X, and the overlapping area with DICOM file. Each overlapping area is a 1 bit black-and-white image with the same width and height as X. If there are multiple overlays, the coverage area is a 4-Vader multi-frame image. If there is no overlapping area, the overlay is empty.
[...] = dicomread (file name,' frame', v)
Only the frames indicated in the vector V in the image are read, and V must be shaped. The default value is All.
Application example:
Using dicomread function to obtain data matrix X and color chart, we need to use montage function.
[X,map]= DICOM read(' US-PAL-8- 10x-echo . DCM ');
Montage (x, map,' size', [25]); Matlab Chinese forum