How far is Xiamen from Malone?
Malone is on Xiamen Island. If you are at the railway station, take bus No.507 for about 35 minutes /6.43km, bus No.532 for about 37 minutes /6.53km, bus No.617 for about 37 minutes /6.54km, and bus No.534 for about 37 minutes/6.54km. Got it? Area = abbd & cmd = traffic and transportation. id = 1093 157232- 14956463 13。 start = & ampend = % E5 % 8E % A6 % E9 % 97% A8 % E4 % B8 % AD % E5 % b 1% b 1% E5 % 8C % BB % E9 % 99% A2 & amp; x 1 = & amp; y 1 = & amp; X2 = oivlmumuhlondfm & amp y2 = pllrtmhnnlmnlni & amp type = bus& address =% E5% 8e% A6% E9% 97% A8% E5% B8% 82% E6% B9% 96% E6% BB% A8% E5% 8d% 97. Frm = in _ bus _ business