What types of bags under the eyes are there?
Can be divided into four types:
1 type only has skin relaxation and subcutaneous fat atrophy;
In type 2, besides skin relaxation and subcutaneous fat atrophy, orbicularis oculi muscle is also relaxed;
In addition to the above characteristics, type 3 also has orbital fat prolapse;
The fat in type 4 frame is swollen, and the tension of skin and orbicularis oculi muscle is acceptable: the orbital septum release transfers the swollen fat to the filled lacrimal groove through internal approach, which solves the problems of fat swelling, lacrimal groove depression and skin relaxation.
treat cordially
The treatment of pouch can be divided into non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment.
1. Non-surgical treatment
Eliminating bags under the eyes by laser, radio frequency, ultrasonic scalpel, etc., the treatment effect is slow, and it takes many treatments to get the effect.
2. Surgical therapy
Through surgical treatment, you can remove excess fat and tighten the skin and muscles of the eyes. Traditional blepharoplasty is divided into two ways: internal incision (transconjunctival approach) and external incision (percutaneous approach).
Internal incision is suitable for young people without lower eyelid skin and muscle relaxation. The advantages of this operation are no incision in the skin, no exposed scar, little injury and less bleeding.
External incision is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people, young people with fat drooping and hernia, people with simple skin relaxation or simple orbicularis oculi muscle hypertrophy.