* picture synthesis video
* @param mp4SavePath video save path
* @param imageDir picture address
* @param rate This can be understood as the number of pictures played by the video per second.
public static boolean jpg tomp 4(String MP4 save path,String imageDir,double rate) {
FFmpegFrameRecorder = null
Boolean flag = true;
Try {
file[]files = file utils . filesort(imageDir);
int[]width array = new int[files . length];
int[]height array = new int[files . length];
* Get the maximum width and height of the synthesized video picture, so as to avoid inconsistent picture proportions and poor final synthesis effect.
for(int I = 0; I & ltfiles.lengthi++) {
buffered image buffered image = imageio . read(files[I]);
width array[I]= buffered image . getwidth();
height array[I]= buffered image . get height();
* This method is mainly to prevent the picture ratio from reaching the requirement of video composition ratio. If the following conditions are not met, the video cannot be played.
* Picture width: It must be divisible by 32.
* Image height: It must be divisible by 2.
int[]maxWH = getImgMaxWH(width array,height array);
recorder = new FFmpegFrameRecorder(MP 4 save path,maxWH[0],maxWH[ 1]);
recorder . setvideocode(avcodec。 AV _ CODEC _ ID _ H264);
* Video quality: At present, 25-30 is the clearest, and the video quality range seems to be 0-40, so you can measure it yourself slowly.
recorder . setvideoquality(25);
recorder . set format(" MP4 ");
recorder . set frame rate(rate & gt; 0 ? Rate:1);
recorder . setpixelformat(0);
Recorder.start ();
OpenCVFrameConverter。 toip image converter = new OpenCVFrameConverter。 toip image();
* Synthetic video
for(int I = 0; I & ltfiles.lengthi++ ){
opencv_core。 IPL image image = cvLoadImage(files[I].getPath());
recorder . record(conveter . convert(image));
opencv _ core . cvreleaseimage(image);
Logger.info ("successful synthesis");
Catch (exception e) {
e . printstacktrace();
flag = false
Logger.error ("synthesis failed");
} Finally {
Try {
If (tape recorder! = null){
Recorder. stop ();
Recorder.release ();
} catch (FrameRecorder。 Exception e) {
e . printstacktrace();
Return flag;