Step 1: Prepare to import the basic data of Mapinfo layer according to the following format. The main fields include cell name, selector, latitude, longitude, azimuth, semi-power angle, etc. Pay special attention to the field format, because the field format will affect the data selection of sector generator.
Step 2: According to the data format requirements, open relevant data source files in Mapinfo software, check the first row of data as header row data, and set the types of corresponding fields. Special emphasis: (1) Base station name, cell name and selector are of string type; (2) Latitude and longitude are floating points; (3) Azimuth and half power angle are integers. Note that if it is not integer data, such as floating-point data, you will not be able to select a data source in the Sector Generator.
Step 3: After importing data, create a point layer and set relevant parameters.
Step 4: Double-click the CellMaker icon, load the plug-in, click "Draw Sector Symbol" to open the created point layer, and set the "Selector" data source field.
Step 5: Set corresponding fields and parameters in the sector generator, such as latitude, longitude, azimuth, half power angle, sector color, etc. It is particularly important to note that if the azimuth angle and half power angle are not integers when importing data, you cannot select data in the sector generator.
Step 6, the color fan-shaped layer effect made by CellMaker plug-in,