1) local swelling: all patients have local swelling after laser treatment, which is the most serious 2-3 days after operation and may be accompanied by pain. It will gradually decrease after 5-7 days. If there is swelling and pain, cold compress and pain relief should be applied.
2) Infection: Pay attention to prevention, keep the wound clean and dry, and go to the hospital for examination immediately after infection.
3) Itching: It is recommended not to scratch and be alert to infection.
4) Postoperative hematoma: rare. Hematoma can occur under the skin, under the muscle or in the orbital diaphragm, so it should be prevented from forming after operation and pressurized locally for 24 hours.
5) Delayed healing of incision: Irregular wound edge and too long local laser stay time are the reasons for delayed healing of incision.
6) Eyelid ectropion and separation: It is a common and intractable complication. We should seek qualified hospitals and doctors for treatment.
7) insufficient or excessive correction, the effect is not ideal.