1. Malignant lesions that are not life-threatening (very early)
2. Coronary intervention. Small stroke
4. Cardiac valve interventional surgery. Pituitary tumor, brain cyst, brain aneurysm, brain hemangioma.
6. Severe visual impairment (three-year-old claim). Intra-aortic intervention
8. Small area third degree burn (10%) 9. Chronic renal dysfunction-renal failure stage.
10. Severe head trauma 1 1. Loss of one limb
12. Unilateral pneumonectomy 13. Liver surgery
14. Early motor neuropathy 15. Cochlear implant
16. Biliary reconstruction surgery 17. Bilateral oophorectomy or orchiectomy
18. Unilateral nephrectomy 19. lobectomy of liver
20. Monoear deafness 2 1. Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery
22. Ⅲ atrioventricular block-Pacemaker has been installed. 23. Carotid artery angioplasty or endarterectomy.
24. Pericardiectomy. Encephalitis or meningitis
26. Subdural hematoma surgery 27. Severe obstructive sleep apnea
28. Facial plastic surgery was disfigured by accident. corneal transplantation
30. Monocular blindness 3 1. Reversible aplastic anemia
32. Chronic liver failure. Interventional therapy of specific peripheral arterial diseases.