Think about it: the weight after eating half a watermelon is 46.8kg-23.7kg = 23. 1kg. Watermelon weight, 23. 1kg× 2 = 46.2kg A basket of watermelons weighs 46.8kg, and the total weight minus the watermelon weight is the basket weight, which is 46.8kg-46.2kg = 0.6kg ..
The weight formula of watermelon is (46.8kg-23.7kg) × 2 = 46.2kg;
Basket rearrangement: 46.8kg-46.2kg = 0.6kg ..
A basket of watermelons weighs 46.8 kilograms. I ate half of the watermelon and weighed 23.7 kg, 46.2 kg and 0.6 kg respectively. ?