Robot trainer
By then, there will be a group of companies focusing on the development of robot software and applications, whose functions will far exceed the level of standard factories. In these factories, robot trainers are needed to train the additional functions of robots. Such as singing and dancing, language or cooking. In addition to the above functions, robot training will also create a new job market for human beings, that is, develop software and hardware suitable for these robots to achieve more complex performance and level.
Stills of Future Man
Robot plastic surgeon
People now make themselves beautiful through exercise, makeup or plastic surgery, so robots are no exception. In order to personalize robots, it is likely that some companies will let people update robots by equipping them with stronger limbs or faster processors. As human beings become more and more closely connected with social robots, the demand for companies that provide customized choices for robots will increase.
Robot nanny
Just like us humans, robots also need regular "health checks" to ensure that their daily activities go smoothly. Now there are robot technicians, and the salary is quite good. Although so far, robot maintenance is mainly concentrated in the industrial field. However, with the advent of the social robot revolution, the "nanny" of robots will also emerge as the times require, providing services for more mainstream markets.
(1) Rational fertilization. In general, for plots with 3000-4000 kilograms of fresh potatoes per mu, 3000-4000 kilograms o