How much is the salary of the administrative front desk for one month?
The salary of the administrative front desk ranges from 3000 to 6000 a month. The administrative front desk is an employee in a company or organization who is responsible for receiving visitors, handling administrative affairs and assisting other departments to complete related work. The monthly salary is 3,000-6,000 yuan and the annual salary is 40,000-70,000 yuan. It is located at the front desk of the company and is the main contact point for customers or visitors after entering the company. Therefore, the image and attitude are directly related to the company's image and customer satisfaction. The administrative front desk needs to warmly receive visitors, do a good job of registration and inform the interviewees in time. Irrelevant, door-to-door sales promotion and unreasonable troubles should be properly handled to avoid interference to the company, including daily administrative work such as answering phones, sending and receiving faxes, handling emails and copying documents. In addition, it is necessary to be responsible for the cleaning and sorting of the company's front desk area to ensure that the front desk area is clean and orderly.