As for other grammatical mistakes, I don't need to go into details. I modified you directly in the program. Pay attention to the matching of if.
Library IEEE
Use IEEE. STD_LOGIC_ 1 164。 All;
Use IEEE. STD_LOGIC_ARITH。 All; -Add a library to use its functions.
The entity cnt3 15 is
PORT(clk,clrn:IN STD _ LOGIC;
q:out STD _ logic _ vector( 1 1 down to 0); -Define twelve digits
END CNT 3 15;
One of the architectures of cnt3 15 is
Signal q1:STD _ logic _ vector (3downto0);
Signal Q2: STD _ logic _ vector (3downto0);
Signal q3: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 drops to 0);
Process (clock, clock)
-variable cnt: integer range 0 to 315; I don't know why you set this variable.
If(clrn =' 1') then
q 1 & lt; = "0000";
q2 & lt= "0000";
q3 & lt= "0000";
Elsif (clk' event and clk ='1') and then
If q 1= "0 100 "and q2= "000 1" and Q3 = "001/",then
q 1 & lt; = "0000" ;
q2 & lt= "0000" ;
q3 & lt= "0000" ;
Elsif q1= "1001"and then
q 1 & lt; = "0000";
If q2 = "100 1", then
q2 & lt= "0000";
Q3<= conv _ logic _ vector (conv _ integer (q3)+1, 4); -conv logical vector (x, y) x is the value and y is the size.
Q2<= conv _ logic _ vector (conv _ integer (q2)+1, 4);
End if;
q 1 & lt; = conv _ logic _ vector (conv _ integer (q 1)+1, 4);
End if;
q & lt= q3 & ampq2 & ampq 1;
End if;
End the process;
End one;