First, you need to refer to the Microsoft DAO 3.6 object library.
Dim DB As DAO。 Database database
Dim RS is the way. Record set
Set DB = OpenDatabase("d:\ data。 Xls ",false, false," Excel 8.0 ")
Set RS = DB. OpenRecordset ("file $ ")
Set DataGrid 1. Data source = RS
It seems that those who can't find an insertable ISAM just don't support this data format.
Sorry, I just looked at it. Datagrid only supports ado datasource. If you must use controls to bind, you can use Miscrosoft FlexGrid, and you can bind dao's datasource.
If you just want to display it, I suggest that you don't bind a ListView control on the form, then change the view mode to lvReport in the ListView property, and add the column title to correspond to the columns of Excel one by one. The code is as follows
Dim DB As DAO。 Database database
Dim RS is the way. Record set
Set DB = OpenDatabase("d:\ data。 Xls ",false, false," Excel 8.0 ")
Set RS = DB. OpenRecordset ("file $ ")
Dim li as ListItem
List view 1. List items. clear away
Do it until RS. eof
Set li = ListView 1. ListItems.Add(,,(RS(0))
For i = 1 to RS. Field. Count-1
Li. Sub-item (1) = Rupee (1)
RS。 next step