Exclusions of Pacific Yinfa Ankang Malignant Tumor Disease Insurance: If one of the following circumstances occurs and the insured undergoes hospitalization, Pacific Insurance Company will not be responsible for paying hospitalization medical insurance benefits; if the following (1) occurs ) to (8), if the insured is diagnosed with a major disease listed in this additional insurance contract for the first time, China Pacific Insurance Company will not be responsible for paying critical disease insurance benefits:
( 1) The insured person intentionally kills or injures the insured person; (2) The insured person intentionally hurts himself, commits a crime intentionally, or resists criminal coercive measures taken in accordance with the law; (3) The insured person is drunk, fights, takes drugs or injects on his own initiative Drugs; (4) The insured drives under the influence of alcohol, drives without a legal and valid driving license, or drives a motor vehicle without a valid driving license; (5) the insured is infected with HIV or AIDS; (6) war, military conflict, Riot or armed rebellion; (7) Nuclear explosion, nuclear radiation or nuclear pollution; (8) Hereditary diseases, congenital malformations, deformations or chromosomal abnormalities; (9) The insured suffers or develops before this additional insurance contract takes effect diseases (or their complications), symptoms, signs, physical defects, and disabilities, except those that Pacific Insurance Company was aware of and approved in writing at the time of underwriting; (10) The insured will not be affected by this additional insurance contract until this additional insurance contract takes effect or Diseases and symptoms that occur within 90 days from the date of the last reinstatement (whichever occurs later); (11) The insured is hospitalized in other hospitals outside the scope of the hospitals designated by China Pacific Insurance Company, but this additional insurance contract provides otherwise This does not apply; (12) The insured does not follow the doctor's advice and uses drugs without permission, but this does not apply if he uses over-the-counter drugs according to the instructions for use; (13) Plastic surgery, plastic surgery, cosmetology, cosmetic surgery, orthopedics, orthopedic surgery, surgery Plastic surgery, gender reassignment surgery, preventive surgery (such as preventive appendectomy), but orthopedics, orthopedic surgery, and surgical plastic surgery due to accidental injuries are not limited to this; (14) Pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth of the insured ( (Including caesarean section), contraception, sterilization and sterilization, treatment of infertility, artificial insemination, prenatal and postnatal examinations, or complications caused by the foregoing, but this does not apply to ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or childbirth caused by accidental injury; ( 15) General health examination, recuperation, special care, rehabilitation treatment, physical therapy, psychological treatment or medical behavior for the purpose of donating body organs; (16) Sexually transmitted diseases, mental illness, occupational diseases, specific infectious diseases, endemic diseases; (17) The insured participates in high-risk activities such as diving, skydiving, rock climbing, flying a glider or paraglider, exploring, wrestling, martial arts competitions, stunts, horse racing, car racing, etc.
Extended reading: How to buy insurance, which one is better, and step-by-step instructions to avoid these "pitfalls" of insurance