Insulation paper, insulation board, insulation paint, electric curing barn, dynamic balancing machine, transformer 50KVA-2000KVA, depending on your economic ability.
Wrenches of various sizes (opening, glasses), screwdrivers, cross, straight, pentagonal, hexagonal, special-shaped wrenches and hexagon wrenches.
Hand electric drill, bench drill, cutting machine, electric grinding wheel, air pump, hydraulic pneumatic tensioner, numerical control lathe, argon arc welding machine, electric welding machine, starting cabinet.
Various specifications of copper flat wire, aluminum flat wire, conductor, insulating sleeve, grease gun and various insulating materials.
Various instruments, multimeters, ammeters, megohmmeters, millivoltmeter, DC bridge, etc. ........................
Small and medium-sized:
Cutting machine, wire drawing machine, winding machine, winding die, enameled wire of various models and specifications, insulating paint of various grades, insulating paper, insulating sleeve.
Chisel, hammer, wrench, screwdriver, hand drill, angle grinder, cutting machine, air pump, multimeter, ammeter, megohmmeter, DC bridge, milliohmmeter.
Oven, starting cabinet, (step-down starting, star angle starting, frequency conversion starting), etc. ....
The most easily damaged parts of motor are coil, bearing, end cover and shaft.
Repairmen mainly repair coils. Replace bearings, end covers and shafts. If damaged, they can be replaced with new ones. If they are not repaired, the lathe will turn out the original outer diameter, inner diameter and height. ....