Data source: The following information comes from corporate credit reporting agencies. For more detailed corporate risk data, the company's official website and company profile, you can check it on DingTalk Enterprise Dian. For more company recruitment information, please consult the company's official website. .
Company profile:
Suzhou Tianyi Zhonghan Health Care Development Co., Ltd. was established on 2018-12-25, with a registered capital of null, the legal representative is Lu Peiliang, and the company address is Suzhou City Room 32, Building 2, Kaixie Building, No. 818 Wusong Jiangnan Road, Kunshan Development Zone. The unified social credit code and tax number are 91320583MA1XNKFX48. The industry is health care services. The registration authority is the Kunshan Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau. The business scope is health care, elderly care, and medical care. , development of cultural and tourism projects; elderly care services; health consultation; real estate development; greening projects; sales of medical equipment and seedlings.
(Projects that require approval according to law can only be carried out with the approval of relevant departments). The industrial and commercial registration number of Suzhou Tianyi Zhonghan Health Care Development Co., Ltd. is 320583001471995
External investment:
Senior management: