Yes! There are many, such as Jinshan Guanyin Hall, Songjiang Guanyin Hall, Minhang Guanyin Hall in the suburbs, such as Gudong Village Guanyin Hall in Pudong (at the mouth of the Yangtze River), Zhoujia Guanyin Hall in Pudong, Yuanjia Guanyin Hall, and Zhoushi Guanyin Hall. Longhua Temple and Jing'an Temple in the urban area enshrine the solemn images of Guanyin. In fact, in addition to going to the temple to worship Guanyin, you can also download a mobile app called Lucky Star Wishes.
Inside, we respectfully invite Master Guanyin to perform his solemn Dharma. You can come down and try it out! May Bodhisattva bless you and your family with health, prosperity and peace!