? The concierge took the guests to the front desk. The receptionist should first smile at the guests and greet them politely when 1 m arrives at the front desk. For example, good afternoon, Mr. Wang.
? When the guest arrives at the front desk, the right to speak must belong to the receptionist. You can't wait for the guest to say it, but after greeting, ask the guest "What can I do for you" (you must be addressed respectfully). At this time, guests with reservations will say "I have a reservation", then the formal reservation reception will follow; For those who don't have a reservation, be sure to ask "what room is available" or directly ask the room price, then it is about the reception of individual guests (the SOP of each hotel is different). No matter what kind of reception process, there is a consistent time limit, so all processes should be completed smoothly.
? In the reception process, the information that must be confirmed with the guests includes: room type, house price, departure date and number of people staying. After this series of confirmations, there must be a check-in registration form to be signed by the guests. Remember to present your hands with a pen and paper, point the pen at yourself and ask the guests to sign it.
? There should be no silence among the signatures of guests. This is the time to test the receptionists' adaptability. You can mention the hotel services to the guests. This should be the most appropriate topic. For example, some five-star hotels can use their room cards for free swimming or fitness, which are places where guests feel that the service is in place.
? There must be a charge for staying in a hotel. Receptionists usually charge a deposit. Then how do you want this deposit? You need to watch your tone. You can use "Mr. Wang, how did you pay the deposit?" Credit card or cash? "Be sure to avoid such blunt terms as" how to pay ".
? Finally, hand in the room card and deposit slip with both hands. This time it's not over. Also point to the direction of the elevator and tell the guests which room the room is in, so as to prevent the guests from wandering around the hall and finding the entrance. Finally, I wish the guests a happy stay in the hotel, and a series of check-in procedures are over.