Address of Jinlongwan Community: 50 meters south of the intersection of Shengli Road and Changqing Road, Hualong District, Hualong District.
The surrounding transportation supporting resources within the 1KM straight line include (transportation, transportation, Changqing Road Shengli Intersection, Changqing Road Shengli Intersection, Changqing Road Shengli Intersection, Changqing Intersection, Oilfield Stadium, Mengdong Community, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Tianyun New District), etc.
There are 10 educational resources within 2KM of the straight line (Nanjing Yingtao Freckle Removal Technology Research Institute, Jinhua Art Education Center, Yousheng Education (Nanhai Campus), Jindian Education, Qiyuan Education, Hongyuan Driving School, Liangyi Education , Ming Dexuan Art Education, Wenda Education, Galaxy Education), etc.
There are 6 medical resources in the surrounding 2KM, including Tianyun Hospital 259 meters away from the community, Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedics 370 meters away from the community, Dongjia Orthopedics 437 meters away from the community, Puyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital 579 meters away from the community, Puyang Renhe The hospital is 1,049 meters away from the community, and Puyang Oilfield General Hospital is 1,682 meters away from the community, ensuring medical needs.
Business facilities around Jinlong Bay include: (Yulon Famous Cigarettes and Liquor (Shengli East Road Store), imported red wine chain, Dingsheng Cigarettes and Liquor (Shengli East Road store), Common People’s Volume Store (Tianyun Store), Common People’s Volume Sales (Shengli Road Store), Chaoyang Supermarket (Shengli East Road Store), Jiulong Supermarket (Shengli East Road Store), Baixing Supermarket (Mengdong Store), Baixing Supermarket, Greentown Supermarket (Lvjing Garden Store)), etc.
Click to view more: Jinlongwan community detailed information