2. Define variables and arrays: # include
3. Number of 10 entered: printf ("Please enter number of 10: \ n"); for(I = 1; I< 1 1; i++) scanf("%d ",& ampa[I]); ? /* Enter 10 numbers to be sorted from the keyboard */.
4. Comparative sorting: for (I =1; I < = 9; i++)for(j = I+ 1; j & lt= 10; j++)if(a[I]& gt; A[j]) /* If the latter number is greater than the previous number, exchange the two values with the intermediate variable t */{t = a [i]; a[I]= a[j]; a[j]= t; }。
5. Output result: printf ("Sort order: \n").
6. Output the final result.
Extended data
Vision? C is the user interface of integrated development environment with C# programming language specification developed by Microsoft Corporation of the United States. ?
Among them, the word Visual is the consistent "brand name" of Microsoft related products, just like other Microsoft products: Visual? Basic, Visual FoxPro and Visual C++.
Visual C++ and Visual C, C++ and C have different definitions and different properties.
The specific differences are as follows:
1 and C++ are advanced computer programming languages, while VC(Visual C) is a development tool developed by Microsoft.
2.C++ is basically a grammar system and a rule set in the field of logic. To really use computer application programming language, we need to have corresponding language implementation. There are many ways to realize C++ in history, such as cfront in the early days, Turbo C++ in the past, and now Visual C++ and GCC are popular.
3.C++ is a language, Visual C++ is a tool set, and MFC is a library. In order to solve practical problems and develop applications, language, tools and library learning are indispensable, and standard library is the most important in library learning.