Update 1: (c) copyright TM trademark ... (r) trademark?
,? = copyright
? = registered trademark registered trademark
TM =
Update 1: (c) copyright TM trademark ... (r) trademark?
,? = copyright
? = registered trademark registered trademark
TM = trademark
TM symbol stands for trademark, that is, it shows the public that a brand or trademark is a sign that can be used to identify products or services. This symbol can be used for unregistered and registered trademarks. "?" Represents a registered trademark. According to the current laws of China and Hongkong, unregistered trademarks cannot be used. sign
Copyright does not need to be registered, and there is no channel for registration.
Basically, when a work (such as a book, music, movie, etc.) appears. ) published, you automatically have its copyright.
Can the trademark "R" or "TM" used as a trademark be included in the trademark pattern to apply for registration?
The words, figures, symbols or their combinations on the trademark design should be particularly eye-catching. After the registration of a trademark, the exclusive owner of the trademark enjoys the exclusive right to use the design. "R" is a sign that usually indicates that the trademark has been registered in the general market, while "TM" refers to a sign used as a trademark, which can be marked on a registered trademark by any trademark owner or user. Therefore, it does not have the special distinctiveness and specificity of a trademark and should not be applied for registration as part of the standard pattern.
The difference between the two is that the former is to declare that the trademark shall not be used by others, and the latter is to show that the user did not infringe the trademark of others when using the name, but only quoted or indicated the intention ... BBS. nsysu.edu/txtversion/treasure/IPR/m.8522 16846.a.
? Often used to indicate that a trademark is registered and protected by law.
The origin of trademarks can be traced back to ancient times, when craftsmen printed their signatures or "marks" on their works of art or practical products. These marks have evolved into today's trademark registration and protection system. This system helps consumers identify and buy a product or service, because the nature and quality of the product or service indicated by the trademark meet their needs.
. knowledge.yahoo/question/? qid = 700605 1402899(QQ)
. knowledge.yahoo/question/? Qid=7006032600 139 (provided by tsangckl)
Photo reference: crossguard.info/images/spacer.
Protect your identity
Protect your identity-the value of logo
Protect products and. Commercial clothing
Trademark & marketing license
A brand that does not spread (language trap)
Trademark registration-overview
Trademark category
International trademark registration
Trademark monitoring
brand extension
Copyright & design
Protect creative works
Design right and design right. register
Protect products and. Commercial clothing
Supplementary explanation:
If you can, the trademark is to protect the brand, and the copyright is for a design.