How can the Kingview KVADODBGRID control EXCELL everywhere?
1.sqlaccessmanager SQL accessmanager is used to establish the relationship between database columns and kingview variables. It includes two functions: form template and record body. Establishing a table in a database table through a table template; The connection between database tables and Kingview is established through the record body, which enables Kingview to directly manipulate the data in the database through the record body. Both the form template and the record body are created in the engineering browser. 2. Create a form template Select the form template item under SQL Access Manager in the project directory display area on the left of the project browser, and double-click New in the directory content display area on the right to open the dialog box for creating a form template, as shown in the following figure. 3. The purpose of creating a table template is to define a format, which will be used as SQLCreatTable () to create tables in subformats in the Access database in the future. 4. Create a record body Select the record body item under SQL Access Manager in the project directory display area on the left of the project browser, and double-click New in the directory content display area on the right to open the dialog box for creating a record body, as shown in the following figure. 5. Among them, the field name is filled in the column name of the database table. Kingview Variable Fill in the Kingview variable associated with the specified column in the table. 6. Establish MsAccess database 1. Create an empty Access file and name it. 2. Define the data source, and double-click the "ODBC Data Source (32-bit)" option under the control panel to open the "ODBC Data Source Manager" dialog box. Select the User DSN property page and click the Add button. 7. In the pop-up dialog box for creating a new data source, select MirosoftAccessDriver and click Finish. Pop up the "ODBCMicrosoftAccess Installation" dialog box and define the name of the data source. 8. Click the Select button to select the database file just defined under the corresponding path. Click OK to complete the configuration of the data source. 9. For the operation of the database, firstly, the variable DeviceID is established in the data dictionary, which is the memory shaping and connection number generated when the database is connected. So you can read the data in the access database.