1, external incision blepharoplasty: traditional standard blepharoplasty. During the operation, an incision was made along the lower margin of lower eyelid eyelashes to the outer canthus groove, and the swollen fat under the eyes was removed after separating the incision. At the same time, tighten the skin of the lower eyelid, remove the excess skin of the lower eyelid and remove the wrinkles of the lower eyelid skin. The incision is hidden in this method, and it is difficult to see the incision marks after 1 ~ 2 months. This method is mainly suitable for 1.2.4 eye bags.
2. Internal incision blepharoplasty: liposuction at the moment, which has been popular in recent years. During the operation, the fat under the eyes was removed through a small incision in the conjunctival sac of the lower eyelid, so there was no incision mark on the skin surface. Very popular with patients. This method is mainly suitable for type 3 bags under the eyes.