Emperor gaozu Liu Bang gave birth to eight sons, and the eldest son mourned for Fei. The second son, Emperor Liu Xiaohui won; The third son Zhao Liu Ruyi; The four sons represent the king, heir and filial emperor Liu Heng; Wu Zixu, Zhao * * * Hui; ? Six sons Huaiyang Wang, Zhao and Lu You; Seven sons Huainan Wang Li Liu Chang; Eight sons Wang Yanling Liu Jian.
Liu Heng, Emperor Xiaowen, gave birth to eight sons. When he was king, the queen gave birth to four sons, all of whom died after he acceded to the throne. Their names were gone, not counting the order of princes. According to the eldest son, Crown Prince, Emperor Xiaojing and Liu Qi; The second generation Wang, Huaiyang Wang,,,; The third son, Taiyuan Wang, and Shen; The fourth sub-beam,
Xiaojing Emperor Liu Qisheng has fourteen sons, and the eldest son abandoned Linjiang Min Wangrong; Liu De, the second son of Hejian; Liu Wei, the third son of Linjiang; Four sons, Huaiyang Wang, Yu; Wuzi Jiangdu wangyi Liu Fei; Liu Zi Changsha Wang Ding Liu Fa; Seven sons, Guang, Liu; Liu Duan, the west king of bazi rubber; Jiuzi Zhongshan Wang Jing Liu Sheng; Ten sons Jiaodong Wang, Cheng Tongxi and Di Che; Eleven sons, Guang Chuan, Wang Hui and Liu Yue; Twelve sons Jiaodong Kangji; Thirteen sons grieved for Wang Liucheng in Qinghe; Fourteen sons, King Changshan, presented Liu Shun.
Hanshu-There is a saying in the narrative:? Jing XIII, Wen Chengqing. Guanshi, Jiangduqing, Zhao Jingxian, Zhongshan Yin, Changsha Gu, Guang Chuan Silent, Jiaodong Not Bright, Changshan Arrogant, these four countries are absolutely admired. ? Changsha here is lonely, that is to say, Liu Fa, the king of Changsha, is lonely and incompetent and unknown among the kings of the Han Dynasty. But it is such an unknown ordinary C, but his descendants led the clan children and dispatched troops to revive the Han Dynasty at the time of regime change, which lasted for two hundred years and was worthy of being the descendants of Gaudi, greatly giving Changsha Wang Liufa a long face! Liu Fa, the king of Changsha, and Tang Ji, his biological mother, were originally maids of Ji Cheng, the princess of Emperor Xiaojing, and their status was low.
On one occasion, Emperor Xiaojing wanted to pray for Ji Cheng, and when Ji Cheng was unwell, he asked his maid Tang Ji to take his place. In the dark, Jingdi, who was as drunk as a fiddler, didn't understand and was in a fog, so Tang Ji got pregnant and gave birth to a prince, namely Liu Fa, the king of Changsha.
Liu Fa, whose biological mother was just a servant girl, could not get the favor of Jingdi, so she became an adult and later became the king of Changsha. Changsha in Han Dynasty was remote, small in area and low in terrain, so it was difficult to seal the country. Once Liu sent it back to Chang 'an for his father's birthday, and all the kings danced for the emperor to celebrate, but Liu Fa was different. But raise your hand and take small sleeve? Cowardly and funny, all the brothers present laughed at him.
Jingdi was also surprised, so he asked, and Liu sent it back. Our country is small and narrow, and there is not enough room for manoeuvre. ? Jingdi laughed, but at the same time, he felt that he had wronged this bastard, so he put Wuling, Lingling and Guiyang under the jurisdiction of Liu Fa. This can reflect Liu Fa's wit. Liu Fa's biological mother, Don Ji Xiao Chun, had to bid farewell to her biological mother and go to Changsha thousands of miles away.
Every time I go back to Chang 'an to pay homage to my mother, or Changsha officials go to Chang 'an on business, I have to bring back Chang 'an soil when I come back. With the passage of time, the soil accumulated into a platform, and Liu Fa named it Tutai? See the mother platform? I often go to the northwest to see the direction of Chang 'an, in order to pin my love for my mother. Liu Fa posthumous title? Settings? So later people called this station? Dingwangtai? Today, the remains of Dingwangtai still exist in Changsha.
Liu has sixteen sons. After his death, Liu Yong, the eldest son, succeeded to the throne of Changsha, namely Wang Dai of Changsha. The thirteenth son, Liu Mai, was made Duke of Fuling, and was granted a fief in Fuling Township, Jiaodao County, Lingling County, Changsha City (in Baijiaping Town, ningyuan county City, Hunan Province). After he died, he died? Festival? , namely Fuling Festival; Liu Mai is Liu Xiu's great grandfather. After the death of Liu Mai, the son of Liu Xiongqu, he inherited Fuling Hou, that is, Fuling Daihou. Liu Wai, Liu Mai's illegitimate son and Qu's younger brother, was not awarded the title of imperial clan and became a civilian. Later, he served as the magistrate of Yulin, and Liu Wei was Liu Xiu's great-grandfather.
Liu Xiongqu, the Dai Hou of Fuling, died, and his son Liu Ren inherited Fuling Hou, that is, Fuling Xiaoling Hou. Qu's illegitimate son, his younger brother Liu Li, was not awarded the imperial clan title and became a civilian. Later, he served as the satrap of Cangwu, and Liu Li was the grandfather of Emperor Liu Xuan of Xuanhan. Is Liu Ren a filial piety in Fuling because of Fuling country? Wet terrain, forest gas? So I wrote to ask for internal migration. With the approval of the imperial court, the Fuling clan moved to Baishui Township, Cai Yang, Nanyang, and was still named after Fuling, so the children of Fuling became Nanyang aborigines.
The satrap Liu Waisheng Liu Hui, a former captain of Julu, was Liu Xiu's grandfather. Julu Liu Hui, born Liu Qin, Liu Liang and Increased Liu; Liu Qin successively served as Jiyang Order and Nanton Order. Liu Qin is the father of Guangwudi, who gave birth to Guangwudi Ada and Ailu Wang Liu Zhong. After the Duke of Fuling moved from the north of Lingling, Hunan Province to Nanyang, Henan Province, the children of Fuling were mostly Nanyang tycoons, local dignitaries, and married other local tycoons. It was not that ordinary people had no foundation. Liu Xiu's mother, Fan Shi, is one of the best local tycoons. Some local people committed crimes and fled to Jia Fan, but officials were afraid to arrest them at home.
When Liu Xiu was born, his father Liu Qin was a member of the Order of Jiyang and later moved to the Order of Nanton. He is a serious county official and a member of the royal family. Although Liu Qin died at the age of nine, his brothers relied on their husbands and uncle Liu Liang, who was the magistrate of Xiaoxian County, and their lives were relatively easy. Soon after, Liu Xiu went to Chang 'an as an imperial son, became a student in imperial academy and studied? Shangshu? And familiar with this sense of honor.
Starting from Liu Xiu's great-grandfather Yulin Tailiu, although there were no titles for four generations, the identity of the Han family could not be erased. Fuling clan has great power and clear inheritance. Before and after Liu Ren, the filial piety of Fuling, moved to Nanyang from Lingling, Liu Xiu's family participated in the whole process, settled in Nanyang with him and was enshrined in the Han court.
The descendants of the Liu family in the state of Fuling are all recorded in the Zheng Zhai register, and there is no confusion. Even though Wang Mang replaced the Han Dynasty, Liu's imperial clan lost its royal status, but due to the smooth transition of the dynasty, in order to show orthodoxy, Wang Mang did not persecute and kill Liu's imperial clan in particular, and there was nothing out of line except demoting people with titles. On the contrary, Liu's descendants can continue to retain most of their power and wealth, which is the local strongman and the Fuling family.
Emperor Liu Bang —— Emperor Wu Heng —— Emperor Wu Qi —— Liu Fa in Changsha —— Mausoleum Sacrificing Wheat —— Liu Wai, the prefect of Yulin —— Liu Hui, a captain of Julu —— Liu Qin in the Southern Tang Dynasty —— Emperor Guangwu, with nine generations and clear pedigree; There is no doubt that Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu is the grandson of High Emperor Liu Bang IX.
The Book of the Later Han Dynasty-Emperor Guangwu Ji Youzan: The inflammation is in China, and the thief moves to the country. Nine counties fly back, three fine fog jams. People hate prostitution and cheating, and their ideas are anti-moral. Guangwu gives birth to a life, and Lingyou recruits himself. Shen several predecessors, deep and slightly latitude. Look, the city is a million, and the tiger is a ball. Dragon hub minefield, high-front comet cloud. When the British and the British were excited, the new capital set itself on fire. Qian liuyong, Dai, Liang Fentan, Zhao.
Three rivers are unclear, and four customs are disturbing. God cares and leaves it to heaven to discuss. Jintang leaks, the car book says. Since Ling Qing enlightened, people seek salty praise. Obviously, the temple is silent and it is broken. Yu He has his own life. He is a dragon.
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