Please refer to the code I learned before. Npoi runs excel. Download Npoi.dll first, and then add a reference to it in the project.
The following dt is a DataTable object. You first get data from the database and fill it in dt. Then continue with the following code.
IWorkbook? Workbook? =? New? hssf workbook(); ? //Create a workbook in memory. In excel, an excel file is a workbook.
ISheet? Sheets? =? Workbook. CreateSheet ("release sheet"); //Create a table in the workbook, namely sheet 1 and sheet2. After opening excel. .
//Next, create rows and cells for the spreadsheet and assign values.
For what? (int? Me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? dt。 Number of rows. Count; ? I++)//dt creates as many rows as the worksheet.
IRow? r? =? Sheets. create row(I); //i indicates which line to create.
For what? (int? j? =? 0; ? j? & lt? dt。 Number of columns; ? J++)//dt Create as many cells as there are columns in the worksheet.
ICell? c? =? R. creating a unit (j); //Create the j-th cell for row r.
c.SetCellValue(dt。 Line [i][j] ToString()); //Set the display content of cell C, which is the first line of dt and the first J grid.
Use? (FileStream? fs? =? Documents. Create(@ "c:\ \ 2. xls ")// Creates a file stream object fs, which is linked to the specified path.
Workbook. Write (fs); //Write the workbook to the file stream fs.