Command change:
1. Enter the CMD command line;
Click? Start? -& gt; ? Run? , input? cmd? , input,
2. set the IP:
Set up dynamic IP address acquisition (DHCP)
Set fixed IP
Parameter description: the name of the network connection, general? Local connection? . You can stay here. Control panel? -& gt; ? Network connection? See.
2. source: the way to obtain IP. Dynamic acquisition, dhcp, manual setting, static.
3.addr: the IP address to be set.
4.mask: subnet mask.
5. Gateway: Gateway address.
6.gwmetric: the number of gateway hops, which can be set as an integer value or as? Automatic? : automatic.
3. Set DNS:
Automatically obtain DNS
Manually set up a single DNS
Manually set up multiple DNS
Parameter description: the name of the network connection, general? Local connection? . You can stay here. Control panel? -& gt; ? Network connection? See.
2. source: the way to obtain IP. Dynamic acquisition, dhcp, manual setting, static.
3.addr: the IP address to be set.
4. Registration:
5. None:
Disable dynamics
Domain Name Server (domain name server)
6. Primary:
Only in the Lord
Domain Name Server (domain name server)
Register under the suffix.
7. Both:
In the Lord
Domain Name Server (domain name server)
Register under suffix, and also register under specific connection suffix.
8.index: the serial number of the set DNS.
4. Write a batch file for setting IP/DNS:
After knowing how to set up IP and DNS, you can write a BAT file yourself:
Create a new text document and change the suffix to? . Bat? ;
Editor? . Bat? The content of the file is the above setting command. For example:
At runtime, double-click this bat file and wait for the installation to complete.
For detailed instructions on using the netsh command, you can enter it on the command line.
Command view, I won't explain it here, I hope it will be useful to you.