One thousand and one 100 1
1025 1025
One hundred thousand 100000
April 2004
Large numbers are read every three digits, from small to large: thousands, millions and billions. You get a number, start with one digit, four digits are thousands, seven digits are millions and ten digits are millions. Once you know it, you should start from a big position when reading. For example:
First of all, I know this number is 7 digits. When I read it, I will start with 2 million, then read it every three digits in the usual way, and then add it.
So the pronunciation is: 2.5 million forgotten, 67 million
You can use percentage or percentage when expressing percentage.
The usage of the former is: number+percentage +of+ something; At this time, the singular and plural numbers behind the predicate are mainly the subject followed by the percent sign, for example:
1.2% of the apples (plural countable nouns here) were eaten by (so plural).
2.2% of the apples were eaten.
3.2% of the water (uncountable nouns here) is (singular) for drinking.
in fact
The latter is used as a percentage of +sth+ is. Note that no matter what words are used here, they are all used (other tenses are ignored here).
1. The percentage of students is 46.
2. The percentage of water is 46.